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Embark on a Turbo-Charged, 15-Minute Real Estate Adventure with Leo! Discover the Path to Your Dream Home or Successful Sale.

+1 (201) 305-3447

Leo Hero Image

Full Service Agent

I'm honored that client referrals built my growing client family exclusively. My tried-and-true techniques give my clients a competitive advantage in this market environment.

My Approach

I intend not just to make a good impact on ourselves and our families but also to inspire, encourage, and bring about permanent change in everyone we meet.

My Values

My work ethic and the success of my business are driven by this guiding principle, which motivates me to maintain long-lasting connections with clients.

Your 15-Minute Real Estate Power-Up! ⚡️

Are you ready for a turbo-charged, 15-minute real estate adventure? Here's what we'll dive into during our power-packed consultation (and don't worry, I promise to keep the coffee talk to a minimum 😉):

Hover Me

This Jersey City Heights Walkthrough is the Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Around!